journal/20000101.about_us | Jan 1, 2000 Our Principal Consultant and Founder, Tamara Pooran has thirty (30) years' regional and international Human Resources experience.
journal/ | Jan 1, 2000 Our Principal Consultant and Founder, Tamara Pooran has thirty (30) years' regional and international Human Resources experience.
journal/20190901.selecting_the_right_talent_for_your_business | Sep 1, 2019 Hire the right person, and you have an ally, hire the wrong person and you have someone who creates challenges from not producing to creating morale issues amongst the team.
journal/20201021.why_leadership_matters | Oct 21, 2020 The time is now for our leaders to build stronger, more engaged, more informed teams who understand performance.
journal/20210127.working_our_way_back | Jan 27, 2021 Employees who work from home continue to juggle work with parental and household responsibilities.